
"Maïna" is a 2013 adventure drama film directed by Michel Poulette. The story centers around Maïna (Roseanne Supernault), the daughter of an Innu leader named Mishtenapuu (Graham Greene). Following a violent confrontation between her clan and the Inuit, Maïna embarks on a perilous mission to fulfill a promise made to her dying friend Matsii: to rescue Matsii's young son, Nipki, who has been captured by the Inuit. During her journey, Maïna herself is captured and taken to the Inuit's land. The film explores themes of cultural conflict and resolution, set against the backdrop of traditional Indigenous life before European contact.

  • Directed by Michel Poulette

  • Music by Michel Cusson & Kim Gaboury

  • Distributed by Equinoxe

    *Nominated at the Canadian Screen Awards for Best Score


Inside the Mind of Leonardo


Coteau Rouge