Les histoires bizarres du professeur Zarbi

"Les histoires bizarres du professeur Zarbi" is a Canadian adult animated supernatural comedy series that premiered in French on Télétoon la nuit in 2019. The show follows Professor Zarbi, an expert in paranormal phenomena, and his young assistant Benjamin as they embark on strange adventures involving the supernatural and the occult. The series is known for its humorous and bizarre storytelling, featuring a variety of mysterious and otherworldly occurrences that the duo attempts to resolve.

  • Directed by Michel Beaudet & Simon Parizeau

  • Music by Kim Gaboury

  • Produced by Salambo Productions

  • Broadcast on Teletoon, Adult Swim, YouTube

  • 44 x 11min

    *Nominated at Prix Gémeaux for Best theme


Bull's Eye


Et au pire on se mariera