Classé Secret
“Classé Secret” is a French Canadian TV spy thriller and crime drama series. The show follows Rachel Miller (Mélissa Désormeaux-Poulin) and Émile Darcy (Patrick Labbé), married Canadian Security Intelligence Service agents, who lead a seemingly peaceful life with their two daughters. Their world is turned upside down after a shooting incident near the American embassy. As the series unfolds, Rachel and Émile navigate complex espionage plots, political intrigue, and personal challenges, all while dealing with the implications of their dangerous careers.
Directed by Stéphan Beaudoin
Music by Kim Gaboury
Produced by DUO Productions
Broadcast on ADDIKTV, Club Illico TVA
2 seasons - 20 x 60min
*Nominated at Prix Gémeaux for Best theme & Best Score (x2)