Au pays des Têtes à claques
"Au pays des Têtes à claques" (Knuckleheads) is a Canadian adult animated series that first premiered on Télétoon la nuit on January 12, 2012. The show is based on the popular French-language humor website Têtes à claques, created by Michel Beaudet. Known for its absurd and offbeat humor, each episode features unique and often bizarre adventures of the show's characters, who are brought to life with a distinct animation style characterized by their exaggerated facial expressions and quirky voices.
The English version of the series, titled "Knuckleheads," aired on Adult Swim and Teletoon at Night, extending its reach to a broader audience.
Directed by Michel Beaudet
Music by Kim Gaboury
Produced by Salambo Productions
Broadcast on Teletoon, Adult Swim, YouTube
3 seasons - 38 x 22min
Knucklheads (english version): 2 seasons – 20 X 22min